- Category: sweaters -

These are some of my favorite things….the sweater would be such a great gift because it shows you thought about that person in advance. As a Mom if I got a gift with something in my Childs handwriting or with their art on it and I am able to wear it…that’s a dream gift. Then you could just go ahead and complete the look. Don’t be the person who runs to target the night before and grabs a bag of licorice and a card…don’t do it…these are things that women do not like even if they don’t tell you. I will speak for them..think it out do something thoughtful being a Mom is hard work, it’s amazing and so damn hard…so show her you care. Really, get your &%8# together while you still have the chance (insert laughing emoji).

(whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa) Hold this thread as I walk away (as I walk away) Watch me unravel, I’ll soon be naked, Lying on the floor, Lying on the floor, I’ve come undone…remember that song? Undone (The Sweater Song)? I have been listening to a lot of Weezer today. I have to say their Teal album with all the covers is so good. Especially Scrubs….so good, turn that one up and dance and it will inject something extra into your day. If you’re into 90’s music…if not carry on.
Ok, I saw a lady wearing this sweater at the airport last week and it was an instant connection. Not with the lady..with the sweater. I found myself thinking about later in the day…and even the next day and look what I found on Shopbop. It’s better in real life than the picture like most everything. Hope you’re having a happy Monday.

I love Lingua Franca it has been a favorite of mine for a long time and I love this “I read banned books” sweater and campaign they are doing.
All I have to say is really? Judy Blume…your banning Judy Blume?
I am going to tell you a quick story…when I was little do you know what story wasn’t banned from me? It’s a story about a young man who was told by God to go kill someone by chopping off their head for brass plates. Like he was a hero for listening to God and doing this. I think I read this story 500 plus times in my life. This is one of many problematic themes in this religious book. So if you’re worried about your kid reading Judy Blume I think your worries are misguided and I am saying that with a lot of love, compassion and empathy. Like maybe you have bigger fish to be frying?
Here is a list of all the banned books in Martin County, Florida…I personally will be making sure I read these with my kids and discussing them. If they are banned they are the books you should be reading…in my humble opinion.
Oh and this is the copy from the website…..
Introducing the Lingua Franca x Judy Blume Forever sweaters.
We partnered up with Amazon Prime Studios and their new film premiering April 21st, 2023. Judy Blume Forever tells the story of the woman whose trail-blazing books changed the way millions of readers understand themselves, their sexuality, and what it means to grow up.
10% of proceeds from this sweater will be donated to PEN America. PEN stands at the intersection of literature and human rights to protect open expression in the US and worldwide. They are working tirelessly to prevent books like Judy Blume’s from being banned so kids today can still enjoy the humor and knowledge found in her books that address critical adolescent experiences and issues.
Our classic cashmere crewneck with “i read banned books” embroidered across the front. Offered in Peony, Moss, Black, Oatmeal, Navy, Toffee, Peach, Smoke, Maroon, Red and Rust cashmere.
100% sustainably sourced, ethically produced cotton cashmere. Hand-stitched in NYC.

I like to wear a cropped sweater because I like to have the right to choose what I do with my body and the way I express myself. That has become a major value. I finally put the pieces together as I got older. Do you ever just want to go back to your younger self and tell them what you know now? Like just think of all the glory….ahhhh, it’s fun to imagine. I think you might gain something from trying it out.
I got a really good piece of advice this week…because I was feeling a bit regretful for choices I have made in my life with information that I was made to believe was real. Then much later in life I found out it was not true at all. It was this….
So you have been hiking with a really heavy backpack on….it’s full of all this stuff you don’t need to hike to the top of the mountain. You realize this more than halfway up the mountain so you stop and take things out of your backpack and leave them there and continue to hike. So now your pack is lighter, it’s easier to hike. In addition you are so much stronger from all the weight you were carrying before you knew it was better to just take it out and continue on your journey. What things could lighten your load if you took them out of your backpack to keep hiking the mountain of life?

Forgive me I couldn’t help but title it this…I mean I am a Mom and ya…ok anyway. I may or may not have been having a serious love affair with this sweater since December……
I love doing a cashmere sock with an opened toe heel. I also have to say that this lipgloss is one of the only lip glosses I have ever completely finished multiple times..so that means something right? I mean look it’s not going to give you lip injected looking lips…and I argue that’s a good thing. Also, I love the G- shock watch…. inspiration John Mayer, who else?
Ahhhh, sweater season. Anything better? I have to say, the seasons are pretty magical. We went to Utah for a few days this past weekend to get in on some of the fall weather action and to visit family. It was a quick trip and I always wish we could stay longer! In the time we were there it rained, hailed / snowed (very briefly) my kids were in heaven.
This sweater sings to me, this whole look sings to me. The deal of the day are these shoes.
How’s the joy challenge going?! I hope good! Thanks for those of you who have reached out to me!!! Can’t wait to hear about your progress! So while visiting my friend recommended a book, I have been listening to it today and really enjoying it! Have any of you read it? “The five second rule”
Oh man, this book might just be what the doctor ordered!
Sometimes the news and everything that is going on in the world can be so depressing. My heart breaks for Puerto Rico, Mexico, Las Vegas, Texas. I love this clip of Ellen and Oprah and what Oprah had to say, “Appreciate the ordinary, find the extraordinary in the ordinary.”
Hope you are having a fabulous day.
Love, Tiffany
Shopbop is having a sale!! It’s their buy more save more sale with the code “GOBIG17” you get 15%, 20% or 25% off your entire order including sale depending on how much you spend. This is a great sale and you can score some hot deals!
So all of these are THE DEAL OF THE DAY…. I love these, this, this, this, this, this, these, this and this is fun. This stuff can sell out fast so if you are on the fence I say buy it and then you can return it! Ok hope you are having a beautiful day. xo, Tiffany
George is watching odd squad, so I need to go rescue him! xo
It’s chilly out, even in California. I know it’s set to warm up here but even on the nights, it’s cold! This image via Pinterest is getting me excited to get a few chunky sweaters to add to the collection for spring. I have scouted a few of my favorites here, here, here and here. Also, the DEAL OF THE DAY is this ASOS sweater. Also, a few more below. If anyone knows where this sweater came from in the picture above let us know in the comments! I love it, but I have a feeling it has a hefty price tag.
P.S. Has anyone heard John Mayer’s new album? I keep listening to, “still feel like your man” on repeat.
Since August died I do a daily gratitude journal, I can tell a really big difference when I don’t do my journal in my overall well-being. So if you are looking for more hope and optimism in your life start a daily gratitude journal.
Music is on my gratitude list regularly and oddly enough, swear words. I swear a lot more to myself than I use too…as I get older I am really grateful for expletives that help super stressful situations. I use to always tell myself don’t swear, now I think shit damn and hell this is a mother &^%!@#! I don’t think God minds, I think he is grateful we have ways to release our frustration and pain. Insert crying emoji of joy, anger, sadness, fear, grief, pain, loss, and whatever other emotions are in the world to feel. With grieving I have learned to get all my emotions out instead of stuffing them in and well, it’s awesome. Learning to love my full range of emotions one day at a time. From perfectionist to part-time realist and hopefully, I will still always be an idealist.
xo, Tiffany
- athleisure
- bags
- bathing suits
- blazer
- blouse
- book I love
- books
- boots
- camisole
- candle
- cardigan
- casual
- clutches
- coats
- coin purse
- cover-ups
- culottes
- denim
- dresses
- earrings
- family
- flats
- hair accessories
- hair oil
- haircut
- handbag
- hats
- headband
- jackets
- jeans
- jewelry
- joy
- jumpsuits
- kids - boy
- kids - girls
- kidswear
- leggings
- life
- lingerie
- lip balm
- lip gloss
- lipstick
- loss
- love
- makeup
- menswear
- mothers day
- mules
- nail polish
- necklace
- notebook & smart pen
- overalls
- pajamas
- pants
- perfume
- purse
- rain boots
- rings
- sandals
- scarves
- shoes
- shorts
- skin care
- skirts
- slip dresses
- sneakers
- statement earrings
- suiting
- sunglasses
- sweaters
- sweatshirts
- swim
- t shirts
- tops
- tote
- travel
- trench coat
- trenchcoat
- trouser
- tshirt
- turtlenecks
- uggs
- valentines
- watches