pleated jeans…


Who am I to judge pleats? I do find myself putting on more pleated pants these days than I ever thought I would. I do not yet own pleated jeans…but I soon will. I think I will order this entire look after I publish this post. Maybe I will indulge in a little emotional shopping today. It feels like a perfect Saturday for this.

So I finally decided my New Years goal…a little late..but here we are. I want to start meditating and doing yoga every morning….ok maybe five mornings out of the week. That’s what it is…I am stacking it on top of things I have already been doing. This morning I did yoga and I feel so good after. I need to do more things that help clear my mind and make me stronger. So yoga and meditation feels like it’s it for me this year. I already do them but I struggle with consistency and I want to be more consistent. I am really loving the Alo classes you can do online. The class I did today was called “Be the light.”

I also want to start writing more songs just for fun. Not to release them..but just because it’s fun and I like having a creative outlet. I was talking to a friend and the only time I really get into “flow” state is when I am playing the piano…or figuring out a song on the guitar….or writing. So I want to do more things like this. Sometimes I think maybe I should make it more of a creative pursuit…but I am still pondering on this. Oh wait..I do get into flow dancing too.

What things put you in a flow state? I heard those are the things you should be spending your free time on. It’s great for your overall well-being.

What are your goals this year? You don’t need a new year to start new goals…as Tara Brach says, “You can start fresh at any moment.” I love this idea.

Hope your having a happy Saturday!

Love, Tiffany

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