Henry comes to visit xo
Henry came to visit the twins for the first time in the hospital. August was in the NICU and we weren’t able to go visit him at that time but he got to meet George. These boys have so much love for each other. George and August got Henry Bash, Dash and Ferdinand + Wacky tracks. He was over the moon. I know some people have mixed opinions about getting gifts for siblings from the baby. For us it worked really well and I would do it again if I were to have another baby.
What I wore:
This dress similar, (I actually lived in dresses like these after (and before) I gave birth)
This necklace I have one for each of the twins.
These shoes which are THE DEAL OF THE DAY also this dress! xoxo
I know some have negative feelings about birkenstocks but I love mine.
I can’t believe it’s been four years since giving birth to the twins. A lot of emotions when I look over these pictures. I wish so much August could be here with us. I am sad and realizing I am going to have to live for a longtime dealing with very heavy emotions. A lot of days I feel tired, tired of grieving and just longing to have my old life back and feel & act like my old self. Then I realize we all have pain in our own way. Most of us are carrying something that is heavy, especially the older we get. That’s why I really am trying to seek out things that make me feel light, that make me laugh and make me feel happy. No, I will not be watching Manchester by the sea, I don’t care how amazing it is, sorry. I will be watching Trolls probably for the 5th time with my kids tonight or this impersonation of Melissa Mcarthy playing Sean Spicer. I don’t care who’s side you are on, it’s funny. I love that saying, “It’s easy to be heavy hard to be light.”
I think a lot about how my therapist said how I choose to live moving forward is a choice. You can really let something like this bring your whole world down. But then I try to ground my feet to the earth, get perspective and find strength. I want to make August proud and my kids proud. I want to show them to keep going even when you don’t want to or feel like you can. You can do it, you really can and it’s ok on the days you think you can’t. It really helps to believe in something bigger than you…. a universal pull? There have been so many times in this that I know that there can’t be so many coincidences or it’s the universe’s way of staying anonymous (I think that is an Albert Einstein quote.)
Love, Tiffany
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