new york the one and only
My love letter to NY,
Oh New York, I love you. I miss you probably everyday we are apart. I got to live in your glorious city for almost 5 years. They were probably the best 5 years of my life. There is just something about the energy of the city that is pure magic. My kids love it too..we got to take August there a few times, he loved it…the playgrounds, the people watching, the food, the marble slide, the zoo, I could go on and on. We got to go back at Thanksgiving time. One of my most beloved friends let us stay at her beautiful new apartment on the upper west side. Where we lived before we moved. I gave birth to all three of my boys in this city, graduated from design school, and made some of my best friends for life…New York thank you. I might get a little emotional typing this. My daydreams consist of moving back and renovating a brookstone…maybe one day NY maybe one day. This time around we got to enjoy some really great weather the first part of our trip, which was great. We got to go to the Macy’s parade and meet up with some friends, we spent a lot of time in the park. Shake shack is always a must (mulitple times), we got to eat on the roof top of Eataly which was awesome. Natural history museum and the CMA are two of my most favorite museums, the kids did not want to leave the CMA. We went to the sea glass carousel, Alice’s tea cup and CMOM. If you ever want to contact me and your headed on a trip I would love to give you ideas. Or maybe I will do a post dedicated to that very topic. There are so many fun things to do in New York. When we would go back to the apartment to rest our weary feet we picked Christmas Movies that were based in New York to watch with the kids. It’s a Miracle on 34th street, Elf, and Enchanted. We got to order in a few nights, Parm was SO good, go there if you haven’t been. (new york and parm in that particular order). I bought the boys some clothes at Jcrew before we went and I have noticed most of it is on sale now plus an additional 30% off sale!!! So these pants, sweater (similar), t-shirt (kind of similar…Henry’s pick!) and coat are all on sale. You can get the boys shoes here and here too. Nothing is better than getting to travel with my kids. It’s the best and to my most favorite city, even better.
Everytime I go to New York I think “Tiffany belongs here”
You find such beauty and fun in such a busy crazy place. I love it. ?
Thanks Keisha! I do love the city but even more I love you. Your the best. xoxo