la vie rebecca taylor
I love this top, don’t you love clothes that make you feel something. Well, this outfit does it for me on a lot of different levels. I love that it’s casual, comfy, and feminine. Rebecca Taylors la vie line is good news for all. You can get that Rebecca Taylor feminity but a more casual version with a lower price tag. I love this top, this top, and this top too. It would be cute paired with these jeans or this skirt. This shoe option is perfect for casual wear, daytime, and this shoe for a dressed up version. Happy Valentine’s day! Tell everyone that you can that you love them! Let’s spread love like peanut butter and jam. Oh my goodness, I have made way too many sandwiches in the last five years of my life. (and my jokes, their rusty friends). Haha, Love you all, truly I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you so much for reading my blog. I am grateful, your the best.
Love, Tiffany
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