sweater weather xo
It’s chilly out, even in California. I know it’s set to warm up here but even on the nights, it’s cold! This image via Pinterest is getting me excited to get a few chunky sweaters to add to the collection for spring. I have scouted a few of my favorites here, here, here and here. Also, the DEAL OF THE DAY is this ASOS sweater. Also, a few more below. If anyone knows where this sweater came from in the picture above let us know in the comments! I love it, but I have a feeling it has a hefty price tag.
P.S. Has anyone heard John Mayer’s new album? I keep listening to, “still feel like your man” on repeat.
Since August died I do a daily gratitude journal, I can tell a really big difference when I don’t do my journal in my overall well-being. So if you are looking for more hope and optimism in your life start a daily gratitude journal.
Music is on my gratitude list regularly and oddly enough, swear words. I swear a lot more to myself than I use too…as I get older I am really grateful for expletives that help super stressful situations. I use to always tell myself don’t swear, now I think shit damn and hell this is a mother &^%!@#! I don’t think God minds, I think he is grateful we have ways to release our frustration and pain. Insert crying emoji of joy, anger, sadness, fear, grief, pain, loss, and whatever other emotions are in the world to feel. With grieving I have learned to get all my emotions out instead of stuffing them in and well, it’s awesome. Learning to love my full range of emotions one day at a time. From perfectionist to part-time realist and hopefully, I will still always be an idealist.
xo, Tiffany
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